Investment Risks In Indian Stock market When you make any investment in the stock market, it calls for a risk in your money. So steps should be taken in order to avoid investment risks. Let us have a look at the…
It is a risk management technique that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. It is designed to minimize the impact of any one security on overall portfolio performance. Diversification is possibly the best way to reduce the…
In general terms, investment means the use of money in the hope of making more money. In finance, the purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectation of favorable future returns. The money we earn…
Before making any investment, one should consider the following points: 1. Obtain written documents explaining the investment 2. Read and understand such documents 3. Verify the legitimacy of the investment 4. Find out the costs and benefits associated with the…
Investment Risks In Indian Stock market When you make any investment in the stock market, it calls for a risk in your money. So steps should be taken in order to avoid investment risks. Let us have a look at the…