TRADING FUTURES AND OPTION TRADING SYSTEM In this chapter we shall take a brief look at the trading system for nse india futures and options market. However, the best way to get a feel of the trading system is to actual ly…
ARBITRAGE: UNDER-PRICED FUTURES. BUY FUTURES. SELL SPDT Whenever the futures price deviates substantially from its fair value, arbitrage opportunities arise. It could be the case that you notice the futures on a security you hold seem under-priced. How can you…
USE OF FUTURES MARKET RY INDEX FUNDS Futures markets can be used for creating synthetic index funds. Synthetic index funds created using futures contracts have advantages of simplicity and low costs. The simplicity stems from the fact that index futures…
The futures and options trading system of NSE. called NEAT F&O trading system, provides a fully automated screen based trading for Nifty futures and options and stock futures and options on a nation wide basis and an online monitoring and…
HISTORY OF DERIVATIVES MARKET: Early forward contracts in the US., addressed merchants concerns about ensuring that there were buyers and sellers for commodities. However “credit risk” remained a serious problem. To deal with this problem, a group of Chicago business…